I used to love the Kitchen – “Country Cooking in the heart of the City”. Paddies Pizza, huge Ulster Fries all washed down with a selection of real ales.
Add to this a huge mix of customers (from the shopper to the office worker through to the racing follower attracted by the beer and the proximity to the bookies). Now? Only the name is the same. Botanic Inns bought it and turned it into a 15th rate facsimile of the old place. Ulster Fries? No chance. Bearable when paralytic and only passable for food The Kitchen is a now an avoidable shadow of the old place. |
Second opinion: not the Kitchen but a renovated area beside where the old kitchen used to be, again suffering from that new bar feel, and lack the charm and the edge of its original incarnation. Not a bad bar and worth a visit even if they don’t do paddies pizza anymore. |
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