52-54 Pilot Street
County Antrim
Botanic Inn owns this place. Not that you’d know this as their trademark ghastliness and the homespun “aspirational lifestyle” shtick that pervades the rest of their outlets is completely absent. I reckon this will, of course, vanish as more people move to the “aspirational apartments” that are springing up in the area. Check it out before they destroy it. |
Second opinion: A legend in its own lifetime, and everyone else’s, was famous for putting on bands in the late 80’s early 90’s. Its popularity seems to have wavered since then. But it’s recent revival make this pub even more of pleasant surprise, live bands on at the weekends, in the front room, you can prop the bar up underneath the low ceilings, or pop out the back for a sit down in a wood finished back room. The bar is dark, cavernous and just what I like in pubs. Apart from the toilets I had real problems getting out of. |
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