Address : 116 Hillhead Rd,Castledawson, MagherafeltBT45 8ET If you believe that the thatched cottage and half door are now only to be seen in folk museums, then think again. The Thatch Bar, near Castledawson, retains all the mood and charm of yesteryear’s Irish cottage pub.The building goes back well over a century and was, as […]
39. Inn at the Cross (Missing)
37. Owens Bar
Address50 Main Street,Limavady,Co. LondonderryBT49 0EU You’re not long into Owen’s Bar in Limavady before you feel why it was chosen as the 1988 Bushmills Bar of the Year for County Londonderry. Maybe it’s the warmth of the blazing fire, or the warmth of the welcome given to all by the Owens family, father and two […]
27. Bluebell Bar
Address : 142 Lecky Rd,LondonderryBT48 6NP Every city has its sportsman’s bar, one long associated with the great sporting figures and occasions of yesterday and today, somewhere to rub elbows with a few of the major names of the sporting world.Derry is doubly fortunate in this respect because the Bluebell Bar in the Bogside not […]