Renamed : M.C. LarkinsAddress:7 Carrickasticken Rd, Forkhill, Newry BT35 9RP My first port of call was The Slieve Gullion Inn, with its gleaming white exterior.A small white stoned garden with an old water pump completes the picture. The interior is typical of a small country pub with its labyrinth of small rooms. The small public […]
22. Gilhooley’s Bar
Address :None given Almost 100 years ago, Jeremiah Gilhooly opened a spirit grocery store at Dungiven Road, not a stone’s throw from where Gilhooly’s is today. The establishment earned the said Gilhooly a good livelihood and, perhaps more importantly, a reputation as one of the most convivial hosts in the town. Leading Ulster cartoon artist […]
42. Happy Landing Bar
Address:4 Main Street, Eglinton,LondonderryBT47 3PQ Happy Landing Bar Eglinton During the Second World War, it wasn’t uncommon for ten pilots to fly out on a mission and for only seven or eight to return. As a result, any landing on the way back, however rough, came to be regarded as a happy one, and the […]
19. The Anchor Bar
Address : 38 Ferryquay St, Londonderry BT48 6JB You’ve heard of a ship in a bottle, but if you want to enjoy a bottle in a ship (and stay on dry land) let your sea legs take you up inside the city walls and go on board the good ship The Anchor. Here you’ll be […]