Renamed : Thirsty GoatAddress :33 Shipquay StLondonderry, Northern Ireland Notes : AKA Downeys/Quay Bar Slightly below street level, snugly ensconced behind railings, in Shipquay Street sits a modest little Edwardian pub, The Townsman. Well, what’s so extraordinary about that, you may wonder. Only this, that if you wanted a night out at one of the […]
30. Brook’s Wine Bar
DemolishedAddress ;2 Church LaneColeraine,Co Londonderry,BT52 1BD There’s nothing to beat the ambiance of a good modern public bar, whether it’s an old pub revamped or a brand new purpose-built establishment.In the case of Brook’s Wine Bar, the latter is the case, as there was nothing here up until June 1987, when the bar was opened. […]
25. The Castle Bar
Address : 26 Waterloo St,Londonderry BT48 6HF There can’t be too many publicans who can boast that the walls of their premises are a part of history, preserved from change and protected by law. Visit the Castle Bar and you’ll see at a glance that it has been built right up against the old City […]
24. The Gluepot
Renamed : The River Inn Address:36 Shipquay Street, Londonderry By far the oldest public house in the city of Derry is the Gluepot, near the bottom of Shipquay Street.Its history stretches back to before the siege, to 1684 to be exact, when it operated as an inn, fulfilling the three requirements necessary to obtain its […]