Renamed : The Grand Social
AKA : Charts/Charter House/ Cafe Ceol
Address :
17-21 High Street
For the last year, it was called Charters but the previous owners intend calling it Chart House hence the CH initials were embossed on most of the doors. The present ownership didn’t fancy either name so they have
re-christened it Charlie Heggarty (CH).
Does all this confuse you?
Well, don’t worry, for punters still call it by its former name The Helmsman.
From 1981-1988 1 was the owner here. I hadn’t been back till one of the new partners and a friend of long-standing Ron Harris Jnr. invited me to return for a new look.
I wasn’t disappointed. I’m told over £ 200,000 has been spent over the last few years and it clearly shows.
what a transformation. The exterior has changed dramatically . gone is the large rounded arch of an entrance and in its place three separate entrances.
On your left, the entrance to Bubbles Night Club and the large disco upstairs, in the middle is a new attractive off licence whilst to our right is the third entrance to the public bar. Once you enter it by the stained glass doors you’re in for a pleasant surprise. An attractive bar area is on our left with tiered comfortable seating on our right.
Another pair of swinging stained glass doors at the rear of the public bar will take you into a most delightful small lounge, furnished very much up-market with solid Canadian oak chairs and a pair of real leather settees.
Adjacent to this is the restaurant, again well-designed and fitted out. I particularly liked the sloping stained glass ceiling which gives you an impression of natural light coming through.
There’s a continental feeling about this fresco restaurant.
Look out for the large magnificent Ladro figure of The Helmsman set in a nautical setting and framed by a ship’s wheel. I must say I liked the ‘New Look’ Helmsman and I strongly recommend a visit, especially on a Monday night when the crowds flock to the “best disco in the North”.
Why has it remained the number one disco in the last 8 years? Tell me where else you would get three free drinks of your choice included in your nominal admission price.
One of the owners in the 70s, 80s was Henry Vannucci.