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66. Reilly’s Bar

66. Reilly’s Bar

Address : 128-170 Main St, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen BT92 0JE Newtownbutler REILLY’S Question: What is the connection between the Newtown butler of the past and the Ulster American Folk Park of the present? Answer: The entire wooden front of Reilly’s Bar, which has been taken away from its original situation and repositioned in the Folk Park […]

65. Blacktown Arms

65. Blacktown Arms

Address:58 Scraghy Rd,Strabane,CastledergBT81 7SL Forget about the Dark Town Strutters’ Ball, if you want to have a ball, The Blacktown, halfway between Ederney and Castlederg, is just the place. Now you won’t find Blacktown on a map, nor will you find it at all if you are looking for a small town or village, because […]

69. Mahon’s Hotel Bar

69. Mahon’s Hotel Bar

Address :12 Mill St, Irvinestown, Enniskillen BT94 1GS If it is ever decided to rename this bar, then its new title is obvious—-The Museum Bar. Step inside the lobby and you immediately find yourself in the midst of an extraordinary exhibition of curios, odds and ends, mementos, bric a-brac, knick-knacks, relics, and all manner of […]

68. Central Bar

68. Central Bar

Address;38 Main St,Irvinestown,EnniskillenBT94 1GL Well over 100 years old, the Central Bar presents a number of arresting features, most notably the four huge wooden barrels mounted behind the counter. At one time these were filled with spirits drawn by horse and dray from Enniskillen and hand-pumped from the street into the barrels. You can still […]